In the fast-paced world of artificial intelligence, there’s one buzzword that’s dominating conversations: generative AI, commonly known as “gen AI”. Since its emergence in 2022 with ChatGPT, it has rapidly become a focal point of interest across industries. 

A recent Gartner poll indicates that a remarkable 70% of organizations are actively exploring generative AI, highlighting a widespread interest in its capabilities. 

Now imagine yourself leading the charge in deploying gen AI and shaping the future of innovation. 

The Qualitest advantage with Qualigen 

Qualitest is harnessing generative AI technology through its innovative platform Qualigen. With Qualigen, we go beyond conventional testing solutions. We not only address the standard challenges such as human error, consistency gaps, and traceability but also serve the unique demands of large-scale enterprise solutions. 

Qualigen can generate test cases from requirements in under a minute significantly reducing test cycle times and enabling faster releases. It also allows for swift adaptation to change. Fast test generation eliminates testing bottlenecks that arise when unexpected changes occur, or immediate defect fixes are necessary. 

Thanks to Qualigen’s extensive knowledge base, handling data validations and edge cases is seamless. It is customizable for various industries and has demonstrated success across sectors such as consumer goods, pharmaceuticals, logistics, supply chain, finance, and more.  

Tailored for Enterprise/SaaS applications, Qualigen is finely tuned to meet rigorous quality engineering demands. It incorporates quality gate enabled integration, ensuring that every aspect of the software undergoes meticulous testing to uphold the highest standards of quality and reliability. 

What we’ve unveiled here is just scratching the surface. To delve deeper into the capabilities of Qualigen, we invite you to join us for an enlightening webinar. We’ll reveal how GenAI technology can elevate SAP testing to unprecedented heights and supercharge organizational efficiency. 

Join the Qualitest revolution: embrace innovation, shape the future 

Hey there, future Qualitester! 

Imagine immersing yourself in the world of gen AI where technology is like a living, breathing entity, constantly evolving and reshaping industries right before our eyes. It’s an exciting journey filled with endless possibilities and opportunities to make a real impact. 

Here’s the deal: by joining us, you’re not just signing up for a job. You’re stepping into a dynamic environment where learning and growth are part of the everyday hustle.  

So, why wait? Come aboard and be part of something big. Let’s dive in, learn together, and shape the future of technology—one innovative idea at a time. 

At Qualitest, we believe in providing our employees with opportunities to enhance their skills, learn new technologies, and take on challenging projects that push their boundaries. #BeMoreAtQualitest and unlock your full potential. Interested in working with us? Join a team of world-class experts in quality engineering right here at Qualitest.