The National Software Testing Conference 2023

Meet Qualitest Team at booth number 3


30 Euston Square, London NW1 2FB
May 15, at 04:46am ET
The National Software Testing Conference 2023

Meet Qualitest Team at booth number 3

Qualitest is the world’s leading AI-powered quality engineering company. Qualitest provides innovative and scalable business quality engineering solutions that protect our clients’ brand through end-to-end value demonstration with laser focus on customer experience and release velocity.
As an integrated quality engineering partner., Qualitest customizes solutions to clients’ business requirements and seamlessly integrate them with their IT processes. Qualitest’s global, time-tested delivery models and our experienced engineers enable our clients to achieve more, faster and for less money.

The National Software Testing Conference 2023 is the UK based technology conference that brings in the thoughts and discuss on, How to leverage the innovative tools and technologies interlinked with people and processes?
Nowadays, we witness enormous changes in technological advancements as the world is becoming digitalized. This brings in the importance of software testing tools and technology that helps manage many different types of functional and non-functional tests.
The conference is designed specifically for professionals who understand the critical role that software testing plays throughout the software development lifecycle. However we encourage everyone who is interested to enhance their knowledge into software testing industry to attend the conference and make the most out of it.

We look forward to meeting you!

Attending from Qualitest
Alex Sverdlov
Vice President Alex Sverdlov
Geoff Thompson
Associate Vice President Geoff Thompson
Daniel Geater
Vice President, Knowledge and Innovation Daniel Geater
Tess Hilton
Director Tess Hilton
Scott Colling
Charlotte Gold
Adeel Hussaini
Senior Manager Adeel Hussaini
Anuj Garg
Director Anuj Garg
Anthony White
Associate Vice President Anthony White
Jim Brooks
Senior Vice President Jim Brooks
Darcy Dewse

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