Q4 QA Education Session: Growing Credit Union Membership? Performance Testing is Key

November 10, 17:18 PM

We would like to invite you to Qualitest’s Q4 Education Session. This session will be focused on performance testing as you plan for member growth next year.

As your Credit Union’s membership grows, it is crucial that you understand the limits of your systems as more members access them, more frequently. Running performance tests and then tuning your systems will ensure they can stand up to the increased activity level that new members bring.

This session will cover the importance of performance testing, how to properly set up your tests, and how to evaluate the results

In this webinar, you’ll learn:

  • Why performance testing is crucial as your membership grows
  • How to properly set up your test
  • What to do with the results
  • Stress Test to know your systems’ limits
    Join John McKeown, Lead Quality Engineer at Qualitest, to learn how to optimize your credit union’s performance testing and ensure great customer experience.

Register Now

About Qualitest

Qualitest is the world's leading AI-powered quality engineering company. We bring in the culture of quality orchestration across your business, technology and operational landscape through our engineering-led, process discipline. We help companies in their digital transformation journey by leveraging AI, DevOps and Automation and we leverage our deep technology, business and industry-specific understanding to deliver solutions that align with our client’s business context. Qualitest has been recognized for each of the past 6 years as the only visionary pure play QA and Testing Services Company in the “Gartner Magic Quadrant”.
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