The latest ebook by Qualitest’s Chief Transformation Officer, Yoav Ziv, offers unique insights into improving team performance and understanding the impact of management methodology on DevOps software development, as well as many other issues that we face in the software development world.

In the previous chapter we reviewed the various ways to mitigate the synchronization challenge and its impacts. This chapter is about the implications, or the paradigm shift that happens once you realize that people are good and will perform a good job, if we help them synchronize.

In the third chapter of the book, Yoav discusses:

  1. What is the role of a manager, a leader, in an environment where people are good?
  2. How should a manager train herself to think to extract the most of its team?
  3. What are the main split of responsibilities between a leader and its people?

To read the third chapter please fill in your details below.

You can purchase the book on Amazon

Yoav Ziv is a transformation specialist and a renowned expert in using operations methods that break through organization performance, such as Lean, Theory of Constraints, DevOps and other operational research practices. He holds an MBA degree from Ben-Gurion University and is a Computer Science & Economics graduate from Tel-Aviv University.