The Lancashire County Council (LCC) is a local governmental body covering approximately 1.5 million people and around 1,200 square miles.
LCC did not have a formal testing and quality assurance function and testing was only just being recognized as a discrete discipline performed on an ad-hoc basis by developers and business users. Their testing was unstructured and informal in nature and was rarely scripted. It was not auditable, or traceable to business requirements, and their tests were not reproducible.
However the council had to deliver a significant and high profile IT program that involved migrating their two in-house social care systems, for adults and young persons, utilizing COTS packages from 2 different 3rd party providers. The business critical nature of these systems meant that there was no tolerance for errors in the delivery.
We provided a Test Process Improvement review and were engaged to provide the organization with a formal, documented test approach, tailored to suit the social care migration program requirements/capabilities. While the budget did not allow for a professional test team, we provided the Program Test Manager and mitigated this risk by providing formal training for the council’s business testers as well as additional test consultants to mentor and support them during test preparation and execution. This also ensured that the council’s business representatives were upskilled and better able to support future implementations.
Social care systems can’t fail, and we were up for the challenge of introducing effective testing processes and utilizing social workers as the primary testers for these two significant system migrations.
“[QualiTest] provided expert assistance in training and guiding us through the whole life of the project.” — Andrew, Business Transformation Lead