When introducing a new software package that feeds into your bottom line, you want to make sure that the public sees your business continue to shine. Here’s how we at QualiTest helped one business succeed.
To evaluate if Scrum is correct for your project, we must determine how to compare the ROI gains by utilizing the more traditional ways of software testing vs. the scrum approach.
How do you build a smart home with Qualitest? Intelligently!
New methodologies continue being created to improve software production, while benefits increase and deficits decrease. However, methodologies always fall down at the human element.
Grant Obermaier, Former CEO Qualitest UK, discusses the history of software development, the future of DevOps, and where the two will converge.
Agile, DevOps, Lean, Scrum: these are all applicable to software development frameworks we talk about these days. With a derisive sneer, we tend to refer to anything that’s pre-Agile as outmoded Waterfall.
How Agile and DevOps are reshaping the industry
How important is Continuous Testing to DevOps, and is Continuous Testing achievable as conceived or is it an impossible theoretical ideal to aim for?
IoT testing expertise requires knowledge of communication and other protocols, hardware trade-offs, software coding, Big Data impact, security, user experience and the high demands of end users and regulators.
The role of the tester is more important than ever as environments and applications are becoming ever more complex. We must test as we go and we must support this through the use of tools as they act as the control panel in our delivery.
Gerie Owens discusses the top three power skills for testers: Communication, Collaboration and Creativity. These skills are critical to being successful for testers.