PRINCE 2 is a widely-adopted project management methodology, which was developed by a UK government agency and is used extensively within the UK as the management standard for its public projects.
This article provides examples of how we, as a test team, dealt with the problems and describes mistakes we made and lessons learned. Obviously, there are many more ways to deal with problems.
Be Proactive, Begin with the End in Mind , Put First Things First, Think Win/Win, Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood, Synergize, Sharpen the Saw
This white paper runs through the evolution of software development and compares agile techniques to Orange project management methodologies, as well as discussing whether the SMaRT methodology is relevant in an agile environment.
Qualitest drives test process improvement and dramatically increases test automation coverage to implement an Agile environment.
This article discusses the topic of evaluating the return on investment (ROI) of using Scrum and suggests some hints about mistakes to avoid and on how to get meaningful results from this activity.
To evaluate if Scrum is correct for your project, we must determine how to compare the ROI gains by utilizing the more traditional ways of software testing vs. the scrum approach.
Agile, DevOps, Lean, Scrum: these are all applicable to software development frameworks we talk about these days. With a derisive sneer, we tend to refer to anything that’s pre-Agile as outmoded Waterfall.
How Agile and DevOps are reshaping the industry
Gerie Owens discusses the top three power skills for testers: Communication, Collaboration and Creativity. These skills are critical to being successful for testers.
Collaboration works quickest with a lack of diverse views, but the results may lack the creativity that only comes when considering alternatives.
An alighting viewpoint of what agile is. By Lydia Burnet.