So NFV is the next big thing in telecommunications … But what is it? Let's discuss the challenges and variables involved with the transition to virtual networking.
Qualitest and TestPlant welcomed a number of IT decision makers from various organisations, including John Lewis, Governor Technology and Telenomics to TechUK for a captivating...
Episode 8, in collaboration with our partner Tricentis
Qualitest discusses LinkNYC, the challenges associated with testing this technology, and where we think we could help!
Grant Obermaier, Former CEO Qualitest UK, discusses the history of software development, the future of DevOps, and where the two will converge.
Does your web application struggle with usability and functionality flaws? Qualitest's cheatsheet helps to eliminate bugs and usability issues!
Stephen, a video game enthusiast, loves sci-fi, fantasy, computers, automation, efficiency, logic, science, cats, and analyzing, among various other things.
Testing can sometimes become a troublesome and uncontrollable process. It can take more time and money than originally planned, and sometimes still offers insufficient insight into the quality of the test process. So what should we do?
Anyone who maintains a website has two big duties, aside from actually making the website: accumulating users, and making sure the site works as well...
Debugging should be approached as a mystery which will be interesting to crack. Solving that mystery should be done systematically by using every tool at our disposal, like debuggers.
The plethora of possible mobile configurations can present a challenge for application developers. From a superficial perspective, it seems as though mobile emulators will present an easy answer to comprehensively completing mobile testing- but is that necessarily true?
Qualitest’s Test Management Dashboard functions as an integral part of our extensive on-going engagements to build and deploy a variety of reports that provide visual...